ICs & Complexes

Results for People: Ocular + Urinary: Vitamins and Minerals + Homeopathy + Flower Essences
    4.17 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Men’s Multivitamin is a multivitamin designed for men who need an extra nutrient boost. It may help support immune function, maintain eyesight, pro...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Mercurius Corrosivus 4CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from mercuric chloride. It may help manage acute conditions such as severe dysentery-like...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Mercurius Corrosivus 5CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from mercuric chloride. It may help manage acute conditions such as severe dysentery-like...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Mercurius Corrosivus 7CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from mercuric chloride. It may help manage acute conditions such as severe dysentery-like...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Mercurius Corrosivus 9CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from mercuric chloride. It may help manage acute conditions such as severe dysentery-like...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Mercurius Solubilis 15CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help with white angina characterized by a sandy tongue and excessive saliva production. A...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Metabo Flush Complex 4CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help combat cellulite and obesity. It may help suppress appetite, promote kidney function...
    58 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is indicated for pain of all types, especially arthritic pain. It is also essential in the treatment of allergies and h...
    3.55 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Mucosa compositum may be used to help with all affections and especially inflammation of the mucosa (respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, bladde...
    16.2 k
    Meridian Energies
Imprint Muscle hypertonus, dyspepsia constipation, headache, fever diseases, respiratory tract inflammation, digestive tract inflammation and paroxysm, liv...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Tissue salts are minerals that were first used as homeopathic remedies in the 19th century. They are designed to help support body health and heali...
Imprint Tissue salts are minerals that were first used as homeopathic remedies in the 19th century. They are designed to help support body health and heali...
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