ICs & Complexes

Results for Blood and Cardiovascular + Respiratory + Urinary: Allopathy + Vitamins and Minerals + Homeopathy: QuantoWellness + Immersion Health + Elie Naulleau
    74.2 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint L-carnitine is an amino acid that plays a central role in energy production within cells. It is a necessary cofactor for cells to be able to burn f...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aconitum Napellus 30CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help manage sudden fever with high heart rate, intense thirst, anxiety, and restlessness, e...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aconitum Napellus 9CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help manage sudden fever with high heart rate, intense thirst, anxiety, and restlessness, ev...
    62.8 k
Imprint Advanced Multimineral Formula is a balanced blend of minerals that help one stay healthy. It may be used to support mineral repletion as well as sp...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Allium Cepa (common name: Red Onion), is a homeopathic remedy that is primarily used to help with allergies, colds, and runny nose caused by a viru...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Allium Cepa (common name: Red Onion), is a homeopathic remedy that is primarily used to help with allergies, colds, and runny nose caused by a viru...
    1.44 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure (i.e. hypertension) as well as coronary artery disease....
    3.16 k
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Ammonium Carbonicum 9CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from ammonium carbonate. It may help with respiratory issues like coughs and chest congest...
    7.08 k
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Amoxicillin is a penicillin-based antibiotic that may help treat a wide variety of bacterial infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infectio...
    5.75 k
    Immersion Health
Imprint Amphotericin B is a strong anti-fungal medication used to treat deep-rooted fungal infections and leishmaniasis. It can be appropriate in the treat...
    9.51 k
Imprint -
Contains: Alpha-Lipoic Acid Ashwagandha Berberine Plus Bioactive Animal Peptides Chaga Mushroom + Shilajit and 16 more...
Imprint Anticolibacillary Serum 8DH is a homeopathic remedy that may help treat acute and chronic urinary tract infections caused by colibacillus.
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